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The Mayutica Institute for Communication in Medicine (MICM) is dedicated to improving interpersonal communication, collaboration, and wellbeing in the practice of medicine.




Medical Improv


In 2016, the Mayutica Institute launched, an educational resource to support medical professionals interested in improving communication through improvisational skills


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Dr. Belinda Fu ("theImprovDoc") describes core elements of Medical Improv - the powerful use of improv theatre techniques in the realms of medical education and practice.

Why Medical Improv?

The practice of medicine is unpredictable.

Every day, clinicians must communicate with an ever-changing cast of colleagues and patients, in ever-changing environments, circumstances, and conditions. To practice good medicine in this uncertain environment, clinicians must constantly adapt and change, think on their feet, cope with uncertainty, create strong relationships in the most difficult situations, and care for themselves while caring for others.

In other words, clinicians must improvise.


Medical Improv is the adaptation of improvisational theatre training methods to the healthcare context, to promote collaborative patient care through improved communication, cognition, and wellbeing.


Through experiential learning, Medical Improv teaches core communication skills such as spontaneity, adaptability, listening, presence, resilience, emotional awareness, and comfort with uncertainty. Empowered by these skills, clinicians can address the complex communication challenges that pervade the practice of medicine.

Visit to learn more

Dr. Belinda Fu ("theImprovDoc") shares her inspiring story about the journey of finding one's voice, guided by the skills and lessons of improvisation. Presented on April 25, 2019, as the opening plenary for the American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Constituency Leaders (AAFP NCCL).

2015-16 © Mayutica